
Currently, only 40% of EV batteries undergo some form of recycling, with the remaining 60% winding up in landfills. Existing recycling methods are highly inefficient and fail to recycle the black mass, which are the materials of the anode and cathode of the battery. tozero has developed a novel way of recycling Lithium-Ion Batteries (LiBs) based on the CTO’s years of research and development experience at RWTH Aachen’s Institute for Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling (IME). Through a proprietary process of hydrometallurgy or chemical leaching, tozero is able to recycle up to 97% of the Black Mass in LiBs and for the first time recover the valuable Lithium. After having conducted over 70 successful tests in a laboratory setting, tozero is now focusing on scaling its process, with the ambitious goal of building its first commercial-size plant with a 30k tonnes capacity by 2030.
tozero - Verve Venture Portfolio
Founders / Management Sarah Fleischer, Ksenija Milicevic Neumann
Sectors Tangible, CleanTech & Sustainability
Located in Munich, Germany
Co-Investors Atlantic Labs, Possible Ventures
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