
Pliops is an Israel-based startup that has developed the Extreme Data Processor (XDP). This chip accelerates applications that use modern flash storage technology (SSDs) in enterprise and cloud data center environments, improving performance by up to 15x while decreasing the total cost of ownership by up to 86%. The XDP processor is currently being tested by operators of some of the largest data centers. Storage and networking capabilities have grown faster in recent years than processors' capability to efficiently manage the increasing volume of data. Up to half a server's computing power is eaten up by these tasks. Adding XDP processors to a data center improves performance drastically. The XDP also significantly reduces energy consumption and greenhouse emissions by around 45%. Pliops is paving the way for green data centers that can handle the ever-increasing amount of data needed by companies to improve competitiveness.
Founders / Management Uri Beitler, Moshe Twitto
Sectors Tangible, IT Architecture & Infrastructure
Located in Ramat Gan, Israel
Co-Investors Koch Disruptive Technologies, Intel Capital, Mellanox (Nvidia)
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