Orakl Oncology

Orakl is a techbio company that integrates best-in-class biology with high-quality patient data to build one tumor avatar for each cancer patient. The resulting growing collection of avatars capture cancer complexity and heterogeneity (the genetic, phenotypic, and functional differences among cells within a single tumor) at the population scale. Through its innovative techbio platform, Orakl Bio can help companies develop faster, smarter and cost-effective cancer treatments. The FDA Modernisation Act 2.0 is pushing for alternatives to animal models for drug development. Organoids are the best-in-class solution as they have the highest accuracy in mimicking tumors in patients’ bodies. They also allow automation and scalability to build more models that are of interest to biopharma and biotech companies.
Founders / Management Fanny Jaulin, Diane-Laure Pagès, Gustave Ronteix
Sectors Biotech
Located in France
Co-Investors HCVC
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