The Global Impact Investing Network helps institutional investors prioritize impact in their portfolios by providing tools, standards and research. Lately, it has put more emphasis on climate solutions. In our interview, Sean Gilbert explains how, in roughly 20 years, impact investing has gone from a simple idea to a movement commanding over 1.5 trillion dollars.

Sean Gilbert
Chief Investor Network Officer, Global Impact Investing Network

Sean Gilbert oversees the GIIN membership of 447 members across 62 countries. Sean has more than 20 years of experience embedding sustainability into business in leadership roles in the private and non-profit sectors.

The GIIN, a non-profit organization established in 2009, has been a driving force in impact investing. Its roots go back to an initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation. The GIIN’s goal is to increase the scale and effectiveness of impact investing, and it has made significant strides toward this goal through initiatives such as the IRIS+ standards platform, education, and research.