IRUBIS is a deep tech spin-off from the renowned Technical University of Munich. The startup has developed an inline spectrometer system that will make the production of biopharmaceuticals more efficient. Today, critical process parameters such as nutrient levels in bioreactors are controlled daily. A sample is taken manually and then analyzed with a separate analytical instrument. This is cumbersome and introduces the risk of contamination. IRUBIS’ device continuously monitors the nutrient and metabolite levels inline, which allows for continuously and automatically optimize these parameters which lead to faster process development and higher batch yields. At the core of IRUBIS’ technology are so-called ATR (attenuated total reflection) crystals used in spectroscopy. The crystals IRUBIS has developed are made of silicon and therefore cost 100 times less than the diamond crystals conventionally used.
IRUBIS - Verve Ventures portfolio
Founders / Management Anja Müller, Alexander Geißler, Lorenz Sykora
Sectors Health & Bio, BioTech & Pharma
Located in Munich, Germany
Co-Investors High-Tech Gründerfonds
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